Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point Unplugged presents SPIN!

Spin! is a new Unplugged show from Vanishing Point - the team that brought you The Dark Carnival: Unplugged and The Metamorphosis: Unplugged

TheatreMusicCabaret & Variety

About the Show

Spin! is a new show from the team that brought you The Dark Carnival: Unplugged and The Metamorphosis: Unplugged. 

A woman can hear a voice coming from her brand-new washing machine. When she talks to it – to her surprise – it talks back, and it’s surprisingly good conversation. 

The woman and the machine hit it off, but soon it seems that this new high-tech, environmentally friendly best friend knows a little bit too much about her – who her neighbours are, what her husband does for a living and how many children she has. It knows what she eats, what brand of toothpaste she uses and who she votes for. It’s not long before she is swirling around in a divisive world ... Read More

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