Tourbook is a professional network and marketplace, open to anyone who has a role in touring live performance across the UK and Ireland.
The primary aim of the platform is to help people working in this sector to make connections and find opportunities in and around performing and programming.
Tourbook’s responsibility as host to this community is to ensure that everyone who uses the platform is treated and treats others with professionalism, courtesy and honesty at all times.
As a Tourbook user and contributor to this community, you agree to abide by the following guidelines:
Be Professional
The Tourbook community is a place to share your insights and knowledge about touring performing arts with others. You should act professionally and courteously in how you represent yourself and any information you share on the platform at all times.
Be Yourself
Tourbook uses real names. You must represent your account, your pages, and yourself truthfully and accurately to how these are presented. No impersonations, no nicknames, no fake accounts. No exceptions.
Be Active
The more complete, accurate and up-to-date the content you provide is on Tourbook, the more easily others can find you and know if what you have to offer is right for them.
Be Constructive
You must be happy to put your name, and that of any organisation you are connected to, against anything you post publicly on Tourbook. Whilst it’s ok for people to express different and critical opinions, your contributions must be on topic, fair to the subject and expressed with good manners.
Be Safe
Hopefully it goes without saying, but – please don’t use Tourbook for anything illegal or inappropriate. You must operate within the law in how you use the platform and you must not post anything threatening, obscene or defamatory.
If you come across anything that doesn’t comply with these guidelines, please contact us. Tourbook will review every report received and will take necessary actions where appropriate.